Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Journal 10
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Journal 10
Yes, I completely agree with this statement. With the use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, we have forgotten what it is like to communicate with each other face to face. When we think of how to reach someone now a days, most people choose the internet as a way of communication other than talking on the phone. Technology has become a part of our everyday lives. I feel that in a lot of ways, technology distracts us from learning in that we pay more attention to social networks instead of interacting and learning from the world around us. I know that even during class, students are on their phones and lap tops tweeting and facebooking. Although, technology has helped us in various ways as it has made it easier to communicate and also is used for educational purposes. The eportfolio is an example of this in that we have taken the internet and have turned it into an opportunity for our project. This is not a bad thing, it just reflects the fact that internet has become a large part of our lives.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Journal 10
This semester i have learned that i have some really cool ideas, i just need to spend time expanding and fully developing them. I can develop them when I sit down and think about them, but a lot of times i don't think long enough about my ideas or cant express them on paper the way i want. I've realized that if i spend time analyzing texts, and spend time thinking about what i want to say i can come up with some really cool ideas and papers. I do agree with Vonnegut's rules for style, I think he has some really good advice. I myself need to learn how to "have the guts to cut." I think a lot of unimportant information is important to my paper when really it needs to be cut out. I also have trouble realizing what information needs to be cut out and what needs to stay. I feel like I might accidentally cut important information out. Also, i need to learn how to not ramble on. I think i do this a lot, sometimes to lengthen papers to meet length requirements but i need to work on coming up with more important information in some papers. This may just be a need to do more research.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
journal 10
Journal 10
Journal 10
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Journal 10
After having researched and written about media, I agree that writing, power, and knowledge will and has changed with the increase in technology. Technology is now part of every aspect of our lives. Buisnessmen and women are forced to master technology if they have hopes of getting a job. I agree that technology has definitely made buisness, communication, and retrieving information easier and faster. However we no longer have to learn many things as a result of technology. We don’t have to memorize facts,we can simply type the question into google and get the answer in seconds. This concept also has to do with our ePortfolio assignment. Even to complete a portfolio I now have to know how to work technology. I also know that because everyone relies so heavily on technology I should add bits of technology, such as videos, or links to my portfolio to make it more appealing to an audience.
Journal 10
I agree with the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” I agree with it especially in the sense that changing technology is influencing the way humans think. The fact that technology has affected the human brain toas a point as impactful as how are brains function is an incredibly scary idea. It is scary because, as the article points out, new technology is decreasing the amount of direct experiences humans have. When I say direct experiences I am talking about face-to-face communication and actually applying knowledge to real-life situations. It seems that as humans change the way they think to become more efficient and quick, we are skimming over many important aspects of life and have started doing things halfway instead of whole-heartedly—this is because technology has taught us to think quickly and not deeply. I feel as if this goes along with the e-portfolio assignment since the assignment is completely online and therefore uses the technology that has made us skimmers rather than true readers.
Journal 10
Journal 10
Due: Thursday, April 21
Journal 10
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Journal 10: The last one!
Due: Thursday, April 21
Monday, April 18, 2011
Journal 9
I believe my writing style has progressively improved throughout this semester. I have learned how to express my ideas more easily, and make my papers more interesting. This semester has given me an opportunity to write about topics that I am interesting and reflect my personality through these. I certainly agree with Vonnegut's rules for style in that writing about something that interests you will make your writing stronger. I have realized that when I write about topics that I don't know much about and don't care to know more about, it is more of a struggle for me and my papers may come out somewhat unclear. Also, his rule about sounding like yourself is true as well. I have found that when I try to use vocabulary that I don't know how to incorporate into my essay properly it sounds awkward and it is best to just sound like yourself. Something I might add although it sort of goes along with find a subject you care about is make sure you understand what you write about. Don't pick something that you haven't researched or don't know much about. This will make your writing much stronger and interesting to your audience.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Journal 9
Thursday, April 14, 2011
sexing up my writing
Journal 9
journal 9
Journal 9
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
My Writing Style (Journal 9)
My Writing Style
Journal 9
Journal 9
Journal 9
Due: Thursday, April 14
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Journal 8
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Journal 8

Blogger is working!
Journal 8
Journal 8
Journal 8
journal 8
Journal 8
Journal 8
Monday, April 4, 2011
Journal 8
Journal 8: Barbie Girl
journal 8

This is my favorite satire. It rose a lot more questions and concerns about Obama and his wife because The New Yorker made Obama look like the terrorist, Osama bin Laden, and his wife with a machine gun fist bumping her husband. It portrays that Obama is not a sufficent president since he is burning the United States flag and has the picture of Osama bin Ladenon the wall which looks like their in the white house. This satire is is a direct burlesque because is way over exaggerating an opinion about Obama. However, I do not believe this is persuasive at all.