Thursday, January 13, 2011

I semi consider myself a writer. Finding someone who likes writing a research paper, however, is like finding someone who enjoys jumping off a cliff. Writer's memos aren't too bad, they are easily completed. Analyzing my feelings about a paper seems to take up a good amount of lines on Microsoft Word.

Writing for leisure is almost out of the question these days...(besides my latest work, "An Introspective of the Human Mind : Fourth Edition" of course). Writing for communication and for a grade seems to most fit students at the moment. Writing a paper is formulated, reviewed, reassessed and evaluated. Sometimes followed by a groan, a sigh of relief, or my favorite, the aggressive shove in the book bag. Is being forced to write really writing? (well, technically typing but let's not go there...) Writing for someones approval isn't fun, but then again, neither is a bad grade; conformity seems to be the best route. When I'm writing a paper for school, I constantly think to myself, "Who in there "'write" mind would want to read this for fun?" The solution to being forced to write academic papers-amusing myself with cheesy jokes on this blog. Sad, I know.

I have never written in a blog before and can't help but feeling a little like Sarah Jessica Parker, but without all the great designer shoes=(. A blog is what? Writing just to write with no story line? That, I'm not sure, but then again I'm just completing the assignment like everyone else. Writing seems to be underrated in this society though. Writing is a great form of documentation and throughout the years has given us some amazing texts from various authors. But today, why read the book when you can see the movie, right? Well, maybe not, but my point is writing is for the grade, simple as that. And in some ways thats okay to me. Papers are tolerable, they really aren't that bad. And I'm trying to not sound cynical about writing, just slightly rejecting how writing a paper is like slowly putting together a math equation (of course, with only one answer).

My goals for this class are : clearly, a good grade, to not sleep through my alarm and make it on time and to write something that someone might want to read ( forcing my roommate to edit my papers probably doesn't count). And hey, maybe having creative blog responses can be included in my goals, can't hurt right? =)

xoxo Gossip Girl

^ hoping that was appropriate - see everyone tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Keep on rockin' these creative blog responses- that's exactly why they're so. I want you to have some space where you can play with your writing.
