Monday, February 7, 2011

Journal 3

Describe one your favorite film adaptations (like we did with The Scarlet Letter and Easy A). What did the adaptation change? What did it keep? Why? What issues are raised, are how do they relate to the specific time, audience, or culture? What does this tell you about the importance of reading a text with its context in mind?
For my film i chose the movie, Oceans Eleven.  This movie was first made in the 60's by Lewis Miletsone, later to be re-done by Steven Soderbergh.  This adaptation made the movie in my perception better.  It was much easier to follow what was happening in the movie, much clearer plot, and actors that i have actually heard of.  The new movie kept pretty much the same story line of the movie, with the exception of some details that just could not have been incorporated in a movie that early in time.  The new version of this movie related to the new "culture" very well.  It incorporated tons of actions packed scenes, but incorporated the "new" cultures views perfectly.  We have changed to much more industrialized culture, and with the use of electronics, and state of the art technology allowed this film to captivate your attention.  This opens my eyes up to how texts are viewed.  Looking back at older texts or movies, we must keep in mind that much industrialization had not yet happened, and the times of the world were much different.  Same movie years later has the same identity behind it.  Still the same movie, just inherited differently due to what is happening in the world in this time period.  

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