Wednesday, April 20, 2011

After reading the article, "Is Google making us stupid?" I realized it was not just me that believes society is conforming to web-surfing androids. This past year, since receiving my own computer, I surf the web more than ever, Facebook like no tomorrow and always have access to anything at my fingertips. I am completely guilty of typing in mindless questions into the Google search bar and having the answer pop up in less than two seconds. Books these days seem to be overrated. Assignments and readings for class are simply put on Blackboard and papers turned in electronically. I miss my highlighter for books, and I miss my red editing pen more than ever. I think google is not making us dumber, just more ignorant. I personally know some people who have asked me how to spell things on a fifth grade reading level and rely on the internet for just about everything. I do believe this culture is straying away from text that you can hold into audio and visual on the computer. Its definitely a change, but change isn't always good.

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