Thursday, April 21, 2011

Respond to "Is Google Making Us Stupid?". After having researched and written about media, do you agree that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized? Does this inform your ePortfolio assignment?

The first thing I found ironic about this article is that it's long enough that I found myself drifting from concentrating...I'll admit it, I was simultaneously reading the article, listening to iTunes, and flipping back and forth between 3 conversations on I'm definitely busted for falling into the whole technology whirlwind. The internet is definitely a huge source of distraction, and because Google's goal is to make things as easy and accessible, it's also in turn easy to feel like we don't have to try hard to focus on the material...everything becomes geared towards making things as quick and easy as possible. It also mentions that having so much information at our fingertips creates a false sense of wisdom...which I somewhat agree with; we assume that we know about so many things because we can easily read about them and gain information without having to go out and actually experience them. The internet tends to diminish our real connection with the outside world and replace it with a false sense of true knowledge and experience. In that sense, I don't know that Google is really making us stupid, but I do think it's making us careless...we feel less compelled to explore new experiences in the real world, and even in our internet use we devote less patience and focus to the information at hand.

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