Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 10

After reading, "Is Google Making Us Stupid" I realized some of my own concerns about the technology increasing. Reading to me is an different thing that I do for school purposes only. However, I have noticed that throughout the years as the internet is becoming more popular that I cannot seem to read efficiently anymore with books or even online. It is hard for myself to get interested I feel as if I cannot focus on one particular reading at a time. This article just re-insured myself that Google could be making us "stupid". I believe the internet is decreasing our knowledge, power, and writing. It decreases our knowledge because we do not feel like we have to absorb anything because we have our answers online. The writing is probably decreased a little, but not as much as our writing. However, it dissolves our ability to write because the internet is making us less capable to read and without reading writing slowly diminishes. Power is decreased because power is the ability to read, write, and to obtain knowledge. This definitely puts a damper on our e portfolio project, however, I still think this is a good idea because we can see our mistakes, and writers memos all together which helps us become better writers.

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