Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 10

I agree with the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” I agree with it especially in the sense that changing technology is influencing the way humans think. The fact that technology has affected the human brain toas a point as impactful as how are brains function is an incredibly scary idea. It is scary because, as the article points out, new technology is decreasing the amount of direct experiences humans have. When I say direct experiences I am talking about face-to-face communication and actually applying knowledge to real-life situations. It seems that as humans change the way they think to become more efficient and quick, we are skimming over many important aspects of life and have started doing things halfway instead of whole-heartedly—this is because technology has taught us to think quickly and not deeply. I feel as if this goes along with the e-portfolio assignment since the assignment is completely online and therefore uses the technology that has made us skimmers rather than true readers.

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