Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 10

After having researched and written about media, I agree that writing, power, and knowledge will and has changed with the increase in technology. Technology is now part of every aspect of our lives. Buisnessmen and women are forced to master technology if they have hopes of getting a job. I agree that technology has definitely made buisness, communication, and retrieving information easier and faster. However we no longer have to learn many things as a result of technology. We don’t have to memorize facts,we can simply type the question into google and get the answer in seconds. This concept also has to do with our ePortfolio assignment. Even to complete a portfolio I now have to know how to work technology. I also know that because everyone relies so heavily on technology I should add bits of technology, such as videos, or links to my portfolio to make it more appealing to an audience.

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