Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 10

Respond to "Is Google Making Us Stupid?". After having researched and written about media, do you agree that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized? Does this inform your ePortfolio assignment?

Due: Thursday, April 21

I do agree with this article. I believe that more and more people find it hard to sit down and read a book rather than getting on the internet and just skimming looking for the answers. People now days do not go to the library and read books that give you the information, you skip right to the internet and find the answer in a matter of seconds. I believe that the internet is started to make people more anxious all the time and want to find the answer right away. I even found myself scroll down to see how much longer I had to go while I was reading the article because it seemed rather long to me and I was just seeing if I was close to being done. It's sad that it's starting to come down to that were everyone seems to be in such a hurry all the time and less about finding the correct information instead of the first information that you see on the internet which could more likely than not, be wrong. Reading this article makes me wonder what the world is really going to be like in 50 years, if books are even going to be around. The ePortfolio assignment is also on the internet so it makes me feel like were moving more into technology and away from pencil, paper and books.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with this article because the more and more popular internet usage becomes the more we are less likely to pick up a book. We can find information quick and easy online and it has become harder to read full articles or books because we skim the internet. I also found myself just about to start scrolling to skim the article and I read the skimming part and laughed because i was about to skim the article because it was getting long. It is making reading a book and retaining information that you read harder. Also using chalkinwire portfolios is a prime example of use going from hard copies to technology.
