Friday, March 18, 2011

Bell Telephone System (Journal 5)

This ad is for telephones with extension chords (it is an old advertisement). It targets an audience of women, but more specifically, women who take care of their family by working in the kitchen. The ad is making an obvious gender statement that women should do housework rather than have jobs. For example, it says "picture the chops won't burn and the pudding won't boil over." By relating the ad to women who deal with these situations, the ad is suggesting that all or most women cook, clean, and make pudding. Another important aspect of this advertisement is the happiness shown on the woman's face. This happiness shapes a gender identity of a woman that loves taking care of the family and wouldn't want to work in an actual job. The women's apron also supports the idea that women are supposed to do housework such as cleaning, washing dishes, cooking, etc. By targeting this advertisement at women, the telephone company makes it seem as if all women should be spending the majority of their time in the kitchen.

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