Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Journal 6

Post a really ugly website, then a really attractive website. Tell me why they do and don’t work visually and rhetorically.

Due: Thursday, March 24

1 comment:

  1. http://diversifiedingredients.com/
    This is actually my dad's company website, but I've always thought it was ugly and needed some serious work. The image and lettering for the "logo" isn't even the actual logo for their company (it's close, but it's obvious to me that it was created as a stand-in, maybe because they didn't know how to create it for the site). The background and text are pretty plain, and while some graphics are included on the site, they don't really blend well into making the webpage one coherent work. Rhetorically...the site doesn't really reflect Diversified Ingredients. The entire thing honestly reminds me of websites I saw created for a computer class in high school, rather than a site for a successful company.

    This is my high school's website, and I think it's put together very well. The site was actually completely redone during my senior year, and is much easier to navigate in addition to being more aesthetically pleasing. Each section of the website is clearly stated on the menu bar on the home page, with subcategories listed under the section name. The site is composed in CJ's colors, red and white (mostly red), and has pictures of the students involved in various activities throughout the site, which are frequently updated. The home page also has the Sacred Heart logo, which has been a tradition since the school's founding, integrated with the pictures.
