Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Post a really ugly website, then a really attractive website. Tell me why they do and don’t work visually and rhetorically.

This website is very unappealing to the eye. It doesn't strike you as interesting and by flipping to this website, I don't even want to explore more into it to find what I am looking for. All the website is is a bunch of blue words all the same size and text which doesn't appeal to me. It doesn't make me want to go any father in my search. I feel as if they need to add images and color to make this look better.

This website is very appealing to the eye. It uses light colors that all mesh well together. There are different sizes in the words to make certain words stand out to you more. The word sale is typed very big, and whenever there is a sale, it appeals to people. Also, there is a picture of a woman wearing Victora's Secret clothes to show what is being sold. To add to that, there is models modeling there clothes which makes you want to buy it after seeing the type of girls that model wearing it. I think this website is very appealing compared to the craig's list website.

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