Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or why not? In addition, why do you write—is it for a grade, leisure, communication, work, etc.? What are you hoping to accomplish in this class?
Due: Thursday, January 13
I do not consider myself a writer. At no point in my life (besides when I was in first grade writing my James Bond "novel") did I ever write for pleasure. I have always written strictly for school and grades. I don't despise writing, it is just not one of my preferred activities. I like to think I am fairly good at it now after English 111, but in high school i was never the best at writing an essay. I do write for communication thought. Besides facebook, email, and texting, which I don't consider "writing" I write my grandparents in Pennsylvania letters to keep up with each others lives. Beyond that, I do not write. In this class, obviously I am hoping to get a good grade. I am also looking to further expand my writing skills, and use this class to help my writing skills continue to grow as 111 helped me. I think being able to write good essays/pieces is essential to being successful in most careers. One think I am looking forward to in this class more than 111 is the readings. I never read the books for my high school english class, but I know i'll have to in this class and I think reading will be a nice change from facebook and technology that I wouldn't normally get away from unless something was required.

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