Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In your opinion, what is close reading? What is its purpose? Are you learning anything about writing, or yourself, as you engage in close reading for Inquiry I?

In my opinion, a close reading is reading really close. No really, like really close. Like, my pupils are changing size and I can smell the paper...Just kidding. A close reading is obviously analyzing the text (very closely, of course). It is important to think of many different aspects of a text in a close reading such as : tone, diction, flow, rhyme , style, theme, word choice, audience, context (literal and symbolism and motifs), setting, reference and the list goes on. It's purpose is to go deeper into the meaning of a work and not just read the words but truly understand their meaning and intent (read between the lines, if you will). Am I learning anything about myself? Not really... I have learned that I don't mind analyzing poems because Brit Lit trained me to ( black belt in poetry... if I must) and I would much rather analyze a short text and pick it apart than a larger one and hit on main points.

Gossip Girl ... who cant be funny today due to the large amount of homework Columbia Prep has given her

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